Chaos erupted as renowned media personality Jalang’o threw shillings 100,000 to mourners This resulted in a frenzied scramble for the money The unexpected act...
Nyako has publicly apologized to renowned television anchor Lulu Hassan The incident involved a misunderstanding that led to Nyako shading the anchor on social...
Zari Hassan has addressed ongoing rumors and speculations surrounding her alleged jealousy towards fellow celebrity Fantana She took the interview opportunity to set the...
TTNT 4 show sold out the Kenyatta International Convention Centre (KICC) this weekend The sell out once again proved their exceptional comedic prowess The...
Pritty Vishy found herself in hot water recently after making derogatory remarks towards a female fan The feud transpired during an Instagram story question...
Boutross sold out his inaugural international show in London The venue was packed to capacity with ecstatic fans The talented rapper also secured an...
They unveiled a special edition pickup truck named the “Eliud Kipchoge 1:59 Isuzu D-Max The unique vehicle commemorates Kipchoge’s historic achievement during the INEOS...