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William Ruto’s Meeting with Raila Odinga in Uganda Stuns Kenyans: “Hii ni handshake”

What did Raila Odinga, William Ruto and Yoweri Museveni talk about?
Raila Odinga and President William Ruto met with President Yoweri Museveni in Uganda. Photo: Raila Odinga/X.
  • Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni hosted Kenya’s William Ruto and Azimio La Umoja leader Raila Odinga
  • Ruto revealed the meeting centred around the issues pertinent to the two countries and Raila’s bid for the African Union Commission’s (AUC) top seat
  • Most of those who reacted to the video pointed out the meeting was proof of no permanent enemies in politics

Nairobi – President William Ruto’s much-publicised meeting with Azimio La Umoja leader Raila Odinga and his Ugandan counterpart Yoweri Museveni has continued to ignite reactions across the political world.

What did Raila Odinga, William Ruto and Yoweri Museveni talk about?

Raila Odinga and President William Ruto met with President Yoweri Museveni in Uganda. Photo: Raila Odinga/X.

What did Ruto, Raila and Museveni talk about

In a statement on Monday, February 26, Ruto revealed the three leaders discussed boosting the diplomatic ties between Nairobi and Kampala and bolstering the relationship between all the seven East African Community nations.

The head of state hinted at the countries uniting under the East African Political Federation to champion the region’s interests.

Also on the discussion table was Raila’s recent bid for the African Union Commission (AUC) chairmanship, Ruto revealed.

“Had the pleasure of meeting President Yoweri Museveni at his Kisozi country home in Uganda. We discussed critical issues that affect our two countries, such as energy and petroleum. Also discussed was the declared candidacy of Kenya’s former Prime Minister Raila Odinga for the Africa Union Commission chairmanship,” said Ruto.

Kenyans react to Ruto-Raila meeting in Uganda

The images of the three leaders tending to Museveni’s cows immediately went viral on social media, with every Kenyan giving their take.

Most of those who reacted drew comparison to the 2018 meeting between Raila and former president Uhuru Kenyatta that led to the handshake.

Supporters of the two leaders were also united in stating there are no permanent enemies in the murky waters of politics.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more in-depth interviews. highlighted some of the reactions below:

@OkenyuriEsther said:

“The president must reach out to all and sundry. Politics is often progressive, not nostalgic.”

@Kaysparks_ replied:

“We are familiar with this game. All the best to our political saviour, Raila Odinga. I hope after being sent away from the Kenyan political arena, he won’t forget us when Misri’s burning sun becomes unbearable.”

@akech_andrew stated:

“The chair of the African Union is yours. We wish you all the best and hope you bring changes in Africa.”

@Macosta2547 quipped:

“Baba akisema right tunaenda right wotee. Akisema Ruto tosha sisi wote tuko uko. Go go baba.”

@DaveKengabi posted:

“All the best Baba. Africa should reward you for being an outstanding patriot.”

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Who will Raila endorse

In a different story, Martha Karua once stated that there should be no issue if Raila supports Kalonzo for the highest position in the country.

She mentioned that it was uncertain whether this would occur, but Raila had the right to endorse his close friend, Kalonzo.

Nonetheless, the outcome of such a development is uncertain, especially considering Raila’s persistent but seemingly unsuccessful pursuit of the presidential gig.

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